Monday, October 19, 2009

Wrapping up to Head Home 10-19-09

WOW! What a ride.  Leaving Sanoviv is bittersweet.  This place feels safe and somewhat surreal.  We met some amazing people and had some sweet experiences.  We anticipate transition into home life that could present both challenges and opportunities.  We trust in a big God who has cleared paths for us as we take the next steps.

Shelly's home care is basically diet and supplements.  Whew!  We thought it might be a bigger deal. 

Her diet will consist of organics in the following areas:
Grass fed beef
Free range chicken & turkey
Wild caught fish
Lots of veggies
Some fruit

She can have dairy in the form of yogurt and goat cheese.  If she has dairy it has to be raw milk from grass fed cows.  They are saying no caffeine or sugar.   We get the sugar but doing without coffee for Shelly will be a challenge.  :-) 

The idea is to reduce the amount of toxins that come into her body through plants or animals, watching especially for toxic estrogen which we get through genetically engineered corn or grain fed animals. 

Her supplements in addition to the Tamoxifen (which is a natural hormone treatment) are the Usana regime.  She will probably be taking near the same amount of supplements at home as she was taking here.  One way or another she will figure out how to take pills.  :-) 

In the wrap up Sanoviv gives patients their before and after blood tests to show how much healthier they are when they leave.  We are not sure if that will be done before we check out. 

Shelly arrives back in Portland on October 20 in afternoon.  The girls are picking her up to get her back in Roseburg by late evening. 

Many thanks for all your prayers and support during this phase of the journey.  Shelly can't wait to see you!

Hugs to all!  Ciao for now.

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