Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Journey of Trust & Action

Sometimes things happen to people you love and you ask, "Why them? Why the suffering?"

The Father responds, "I told you, not a sparrow falls from the sky that I don't notice, how much more would I care for you?"

We don't understand.  We can't understand.  We trust and take Him at His word.

All things work together for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  We know the Father's heart hurts for Shelly and her family as they walk this out. We believe He's promised  complete healing and restoration. 


October 6th, Saturday:  Shelly, Wayne and the family traveled to Bethel in Redding to visit the healing room. It was quite a quick trip. No miraculous healing yet Shelly returned encouraged and stronger in her conviction that she is going to beat this.

October 12th, Friday:  Shelly made the trip to Seattle to visit an ND certified in the Gerson Therapy.  She began the therapy on Monday after the girls and the family got trained and prepped in how manage the diet.  It's quite extensive and involves a tremendous amount of juicing.  The regime is quite rigorous and will keep Shelly homebound for awhile. Sarah and Emily are kept busy juicing most of the day, every day.

The physician is running more tests.  She is not convinced that this is a metastasis of the breast cancer and feels it could be something else.  In the meantime, Shelly is extremely uncomfortable. This is not an easy path.       Please stand in agreement with me as I declare and petition the Jehovah Rophe (healer)...

We speak release of an outpouring of revelation and discernment for every physician who handles Shelly's case.  We call forth Divine assignments and appointments with those truly committed to seeking Shelly's healing.  We bind anything the enemy brings against Shelly and the family.  Father, turn what Satan meant for evil into Your testimony.  

We refuse to come into agreement with the diagnosis and spirit of death.  We speak life into the Smith home as they actively rest in their pursuit of complete healing.  We praise you for the work you are doing on Shelly's behalf.  We say, YAY! God for the restoration you are bringing to this family.  

Leave your messages here or direct message Shelly on Facebook. Guard your thoughts and fears.  When you dwell on the negative you come into agreement with that spirit. This is warfare.  We are contending for Shelly's well-being.

Psalm 27: 13-14  I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Updated by Shelly's friend, Kathie

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Itch Begone! 9-26-12a

Finally, someone paid attention to the skin condition beyond suggesting a steroid cream!  Shelly was able to connect with an integrated oncologist out of Seattle this week and get a recommendation to relieve the itch.

The ND believes the  Erythroderma (skin condition) is a result of a fungus in light of the other symptoms.  Shelly began a Candida Yeast Diet immediately and will continue for 3-4 weeks.  This diet should destroy the fungus by cutting off its food supply.  If it is NOT a fungus this is much like the diet Shelly was prescribed when returning from Sanoviv which never hurts.

We are calling forth a return to full health!  

Speaking Life to Contradiction 9-26-12

I don't have to remind you, it is  so easy to get wrapped up the daily-ness of life and lose sight of the bigger picture.  The demands of family, friends, work, and life suck us into a myopic view of the world as we know it.  It is easy to ignore the obvious until it reaches a tipping point.

The back story 

Following our return from the holistic oncology center (Sanoviv) outside of Rosarita Beach in Mexico in October 2009,  it was easy to make vows to remain true to the diet and support of Shelly on her return to health.  As a matter of fact, Shelly looked so good, if you didn't know she'd just been through intensive cancer regime and a lumpectomy you wouldn't believe it.  

We believe Shelly was healed through prayer and the healing environment at Sanoviv.  With a positive outlook the pace of life picked up in no time.  A houseful of kids (6 still at home plus a grandbaby) and housemates (4) it wasn't long before Shelly returned to her former pace making self care difficult to maintain.

The next year (2010) held many significant life events.  
  1. The divorce from her kids dad was finalized.
  2. She remarried.
  3. She negotiated the sale of her home.
  4. She cleaned, packed, and prepared the property for the new buyer single-handedly. 
  5. She relocated to Hood River.  (Actually this represents two moves since the first rental sold within months of their arrival.)
All rank high on the stress scale. And these were just the highlights.  

Shelly's first re-check for breast cancer in October 2010 came back clear.  YAY!

November 2010, the first symptoms appeared in the form of an eczema or light rash.  Shelly's first thought was that this was due to stress.  Based on her environment and recent exam this did not raise any red flags. 

Shelly's next re-check for breast cancer in October 2011 came back clear. YAY! again.   

The tipping point

The rash had spread but remained contained to her upper body and face until it went crazy last Fall. After seeing a dermatologist and an internist who were unable to pinpoint the cause Shelly, although miserable with itching and burning, continued to walk in faith. After attempts to get into the doctor in April and again in July but both appointments had fell through. 

Shelly, longsuffering as ever, kept on keeping on.  When she finally got in to see a physician in Portland last month, he took one look and sent her for an X-Ray and CT Scan, never addressing the skin condition, much to her dismay.  

The initial news was the X-Ray showed a node in the lung.  :(  Rats! and double RATS! The follow up CT Scan revealed more.  Reports of a 1.4 cm node in lung, 2.5 cm node in liver and changes in the mammogram and ultrasound.  There is too much scar tissue and calcification in the breast tissue to see any mass clearly without further scanning.

This put Shelly and Wayne on full red alert.  What does this mean when you know for sure that Christ bore these wounds in His body so that we might be healed? It means a move from a passive faith to an active role of taking authority and ownership of the healing that has already been accomplished.  (If you don't know what we are talking about here, just ask.)
While Shelly, Wayne and the family explore their options they covet your prayers and intercession.  

Shelly's declarations:
  • I will live and not die.
  • I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
  • He will fulfill the length of my days.
  • He heals ALL my diseases. 
  • By His stripes I am healed.
  • I forget and break off the things of the past. 
  • I see You are doing a new thing.  
  • I see you are making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.            
We come into agreement with our dear sister, friend, and mother.  In the name of Jehovah Raphi (Healer) - Jehovah Gibor (Mighty).

Please share your comments and prayers here.  We will keep you posted as often as we can. 

Honored to share the journey with my dear friend.  ~ Kathie