Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday 9-12-09 Sanoviv

Another late day post here in beautiful Mexico.  No news....on the pathology report anyway!

We anticipated getting the results at Shelly's 11am Dr. appointment this morning but the report had not yet arrived.  (even though they confirmed it would be here on Saturday. :-{ )  Like you...we are waiting and trusting.

Shell did get her stitches out today. All of her incisions look great and she no longer needs to have them covered by bandages. 

We feel like we are in a holding pattern. Shelly still has full days of treatments that get her healthier and get her body in cancer fighting form. 

A round of guests/patients left yesterday and new people are trickling in.  One thing about the journey of health is that others that are traveling a similar journey find a bond.  We made some great new friends from all over the world.

We will keep you posted!  Hugs to all.

Ciao for now.

1 comment:

  1. So glad everything is going well. Praying everyday! Love you both!


If you have a message or reponse for Shelly, please leave it here.