Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Journey of Trust & Action

Sometimes things happen to people you love and you ask, "Why them? Why the suffering?"

The Father responds, "I told you, not a sparrow falls from the sky that I don't notice, how much more would I care for you?"

We don't understand.  We can't understand.  We trust and take Him at His word.

All things work together for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.  We know the Father's heart hurts for Shelly and her family as they walk this out. We believe He's promised  complete healing and restoration. 


October 6th, Saturday:  Shelly, Wayne and the family traveled to Bethel in Redding to visit the healing room. It was quite a quick trip. No miraculous healing yet Shelly returned encouraged and stronger in her conviction that she is going to beat this.

October 12th, Friday:  Shelly made the trip to Seattle to visit an ND certified in the Gerson Therapy.  She began the therapy on Monday after the girls and the family got trained and prepped in how manage the diet.  It's quite extensive and involves a tremendous amount of juicing.  The regime is quite rigorous and will keep Shelly homebound for awhile. Sarah and Emily are kept busy juicing most of the day, every day.

The physician is running more tests.  She is not convinced that this is a metastasis of the breast cancer and feels it could be something else.  In the meantime, Shelly is extremely uncomfortable. This is not an easy path.       Please stand in agreement with me as I declare and petition the Jehovah Rophe (healer)...

We speak release of an outpouring of revelation and discernment for every physician who handles Shelly's case.  We call forth Divine assignments and appointments with those truly committed to seeking Shelly's healing.  We bind anything the enemy brings against Shelly and the family.  Father, turn what Satan meant for evil into Your testimony.  

We refuse to come into agreement with the diagnosis and spirit of death.  We speak life into the Smith home as they actively rest in their pursuit of complete healing.  We praise you for the work you are doing on Shelly's behalf.  We say, YAY! God for the restoration you are bringing to this family.  

Leave your messages here or direct message Shelly on Facebook. Guard your thoughts and fears.  When you dwell on the negative you come into agreement with that spirit. This is warfare.  We are contending for Shelly's well-being.

Psalm 27: 13-14  I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Updated by Shelly's friend, Kathie