Monday, October 19, 2009

Wrapping up to Head Home 10-19-09

WOW! What a ride.  Leaving Sanoviv is bittersweet.  This place feels safe and somewhat surreal.  We met some amazing people and had some sweet experiences.  We anticipate transition into home life that could present both challenges and opportunities.  We trust in a big God who has cleared paths for us as we take the next steps.

Shelly's home care is basically diet and supplements.  Whew!  We thought it might be a bigger deal. 

Her diet will consist of organics in the following areas:
Grass fed beef
Free range chicken & turkey
Wild caught fish
Lots of veggies
Some fruit

She can have dairy in the form of yogurt and goat cheese.  If she has dairy it has to be raw milk from grass fed cows.  They are saying no caffeine or sugar.   We get the sugar but doing without coffee for Shelly will be a challenge.  :-) 

The idea is to reduce the amount of toxins that come into her body through plants or animals, watching especially for toxic estrogen which we get through genetically engineered corn or grain fed animals. 

Her supplements in addition to the Tamoxifen (which is a natural hormone treatment) are the Usana regime.  She will probably be taking near the same amount of supplements at home as she was taking here.  One way or another she will figure out how to take pills.  :-) 

In the wrap up Sanoviv gives patients their before and after blood tests to show how much healthier they are when they leave.  We are not sure if that will be done before we check out. 

Shelly arrives back in Portland on October 20 in afternoon.  The girls are picking her up to get her back in Roseburg by late evening. 

Many thanks for all your prayers and support during this phase of the journey.  Shelly can't wait to see you!

Hugs to all!  Ciao for now.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday 10-16-09 Sanoviv

Happy Friday!  Details are still being pieced together as we process the pathology reports.  I want to share the scoop with you.

While the report results were "no cancer cells detected" in the breast or lymph tissue what we know (the Dr.'s say) is that when a tumor is detected it is evidence of cancer cells in the body.  The tumor is just where they've congregated in a large enough mass for you to notice. Even when the tumor is removed the cancer can still exist in the body which is why ongoing treatment is needed. 

Shelly's treatment regime over the last 3.5 weeks has been to move her PH to an alkaline state (which is not hospitable to cancer), boost her immune system, and provide natural supplements to fight the cancer cells.

The Dr.'s are recommending  6 more months of Tamoxifen (a hormone treatment since the cancer is estrogen receptive) and pretty strict nutritional and supplement regime.  Shelly will continue to get regular check ups to monitor.  The Dr.'s opinion is that with regular clear check ups after 5 years they will declare the cancer in remission.

They are not recommending chemo or radiation which they were trying to prepare us for over the last week.  Shelly was not going to pursue those options even if they were recommended in any case.  God just circumvented that decision point.  :-)  Yay!

This whole experience was not anything I could have planned or projected.  When you see Shelly and hear her stories of Faith I know you will be touched.   The last few weeks have been an incredible time of creating new habits in everything from our thought life to finding rest and peace in everything.  God truly turned this adversity into a gift.  I am blessed to have been a companion to Shelly during this phase of her walk.

Hugs to all!  Ciao for now.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday 10-15-09 Sanoviv

Finally!  Good news. The pathology report came in this afternoon.  NO CANCER CELLS DETECTED.   The carcinoma originally detected was contained within the tumor that was removed in the lumpectomy last Saturday.  The lymph nodes removed were all clear. 

Shelly's home treatment just got simpler.  YAY, God!  Shelly will be getting instructions on nutrition and the support required when she gets home over the next few days. 

Your prayers, messages and support have been so much appreciated.  Continue to hold Shelly and her family up as she transitions into "real" life again next week. 

Hugs to all!  Ciao for now.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday 10-14-09 Sanoviv pathology reports today. We did learn today they may not arrive before Shelly leaves. :-) Again, we trust this is all in God's hands.

Shelly will start getting her information tomorrow about her 2 weeks of homecare and will be looking for a local oncologist to support the implementation and ongoing assessments in this program. Be praying the options are clear and easy for Shell. The Dr.s at Sanoviv work hand in hand with the local physicians to ensure Shelly continues to have a supported immune system and a body that is in anti-cancer conditions while they continue any other treatments.

Everything she is doing now is really pumping up her system for health. She has the hyperbaric chamber everyday. It is more bearable. :-) They began putting cream on her incisions to aid in reducing the scarring.

Shelly's nutritionist Oscar is putting together a personalized nutrition schedule too. They really do cover all the bases.

It is a beautiful, relatively quiet day here at Sanoviv. We will miss this place. We said goodbye to more new friends this morning. Soon it will be our turn. We are now the ones that have been here the longest and show the newbies the ropes. It adds some fun and cameraderie to be part of this community.

Our devotion today was about suffering and understanding the work of suffering in our lives. We can testify the good things we've seen come out of Shelly's suffering. It gave us food for thought...what other suffering are we going through that God is trying to use to bring about maturity and endurance in us? What about you?

As I mentioned in an earlier post our updates may be more intermittent unless we have new news. Of course if anything is urgent, we will call the girls.

Skype call tonight to the kids at 7ish.

Hugs to all! Ciao for now.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday 10-12-09 Sanoviv

If we didn't know Who was in control we might be experiencing more frustration.  Shelly is in IV treatments right now and there is no pathology report as of this morning.  We are trusting that when we get the report it will only confirm what we hear God saying. 

In the meantime, another guest/patient with colon cancer got some bad news at breakfast.  We immediately lifted she and her sister (who is her companion) up in prayer.  While we were praying Shelly had a message for this woman.  We got to get better acquainted with them on Friday at our worship service so we had some idea of what she was going through.

A mother of two young children in her early 50's, her diagnosis in the States is that she has 1-3 years to live.  She is here for the Ukrain, the natural chemo that Shelly has been on.  When I was getting settled Shelly in IV she was seated right next to this gal who was obviously distraught.  Shelly boldly stepped up and with conviction shared her message "God is bigger than this.  This news today is not foreign to Him.  He has you here at this place and time for a reason.  He is big enough to turn this circumstance around in a moment.  Don't get caught up in the details, numbers and statistics.  It is easy for anxiety and worry to tip the balance of our trust. His love for you is bigger than this.  That cancer is not a part of not take ownership of it by saying "my cancer..." This is not a hopeless situation...He is in control."

The atmosphere shifted. There was hope in the room.  Their faces were changed from looks of desperation and tears to peace. 

Seeing Shelly operate in her gifting is amazing. She has a strength in her gentleness that has been tempered over the years through testing.  She knows Who holds her, her kids, her future and it shows.

OK..that is it for the morning update.  I hope you are as encouraged as I was.  This time with Shelly has been precious for me.  I feel so blessed to count her as my best friend for over 35 years. 

Hugs to all.  Ciao for now! 


Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday 9-12-09 Sanoviv

Another late day post here in beautiful Mexico.  No news....on the pathology report anyway!

We anticipated getting the results at Shelly's 11am Dr. appointment this morning but the report had not yet arrived.  (even though they confirmed it would be here on Saturday. :-{ )  Like you...we are waiting and trusting.

Shell did get her stitches out today. All of her incisions look great and she no longer needs to have them covered by bandages. 

We feel like we are in a holding pattern. Shelly still has full days of treatments that get her healthier and get her body in cancer fighting form. 

A round of guests/patients left yesterday and new people are trickling in.  One thing about the journey of health is that others that are traveling a similar journey find a bond.  We made some great new friends from all over the world.

We will keep you posted!  Hugs to all.

Ciao for now.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Saturday 10-10-09 Sanoviv

This theme of this health journey seems to be resting in His love and provision.  We were talking this morning about the learning.  As you can tell from our devotions, we are becoming steeped in greater understanding of His love for us.  We continue to see His hand all around us.  Our natural response is to love Him more. 

During our worship time last night we got to experience the overwhelming presence of God.  We shared communion and had powerful prayer time for each other.  Some of the women here are terminal.  Some have chronic health issues.  One of the women here lost her husband in 9/11. She'd been married a little over a year and was pregnant with their child.  We believe that many were healed. Some physically and some emotionally.  The time was truly transformational. 

In the scheme of things it is clear we are here for much more than Shelly's treatment.   One of the key conversation elements of the evening was the Father heart of God.  His heart hurts when we do.  He longs for us to grasp the comfort He provides, His healing power...and His provision during tough times.

A line from our devotion this morning really stood out after the time of worship last night...
"Don't divide your life into things you can do by yourself and those that require My help. Instead, learn to rely on Me in every situation.  This discipline will enable you to enjoy life more and face each day confidently."

Psa. 37:3-6  "Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your righteousness radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun."

You are probably wondering about Shelly's day today.  It is pretty uneventful. She has been in IV, and has some light therapy today.  She gets to wrap up the day with a lymphatic massage.  Sunday is a rest day. 

Of course if there is any news from the pathology report I will update right away.  And if there is any bad news...we will pick up the phone and call the girls. 

That said...I want to give you a heads up the blog posts may not be as consistent since there is not a lot happening other than the same old treatments, food, and schedule.  I've been wrapping up my work projects that require that I am online at 9am daily so depending on the news and schedule here the updates may be later in the day.   :-)

It is time to make plans to wrap up this leg of the trip and talk about our transitions home.  One of our big decisions is the meal we will have when we get back to San Diego. :-)  We are not obsessed with food but on the diet here it does give us something to fantasize about.

Ciao for now!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday 10-9-09 Sanoviv

No internet this morning!!! My apologies for the delay in this update.

Here is a quick update.

Shelly got the tube removed from under her arm. The discomfort she had been feeling decreased almost immediately. She may get her stitches out on Monday too. The incisions look really clean and healthy.

We did NOT get the pathology reports today. We got a report that the reports will be here on Saturday...but the Dr. to read them may not be back till Monday. It is a good thing we are trusting a BIG God rather than on people or circumstances.

The Dr. made some space in her schedule so she actually has time for a nap...which we did today for about 90 minutes

We plan to have a time of worship this evening with some other Believers here at Sanoviv tonight at 7pm.

I will post more in the morning. Love to all. Ciao for now!

Friday 10-9-09 Sanoviv

No internet this morning!!! My apologies for the delay in this update.

Here is a quick update.

Shelly got the tube removed from under her arm. The discomfort she had been feeling decreased almost immediately. She may get her stitches out on Monday too. The incisions look really clean and healthy.

We did NOT get the pathology reports today. We got a report that the reports will be here on Saturday...but the Dr. to read them may not be back till Monday. It is a good thing we are trusting a BIG God rather than on people or circumstances.

The Dr. made some space in her schedule so she actually has time for a nap...which we did today for about 90 minutes

I will post more in the morning. Love to all. Ciao for now!
We plan to have a time of worship this evening with some other Believers here at Sanoviv tonight at 7pm.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday 10-8-09 Sanoviv Update

Good afternoon!  Sorry to say - no news.  The pathology reports still aren't in. 

Shelly just got out of the hyperbaric chamber and is getting her bandages changed.

Bates Kids - Shelly plans to call you tonight on Skype around 7ish.

Interesting notes from today...Thursday are liquid diet day.  We started with an Avocado and Lime Protein Shake, had a pureed vegetable and bean soup (we got fish with our soup since Shelly is recovering from surgery) and we will have some pureed soup or the like for dinner.  Yummm.

Thursday 10-8-09 Sanoviv

OK...I am going to start todays post with an experiential gift Shelly received yesterday during her reflexology treatment.   The therapist, Pedro, who was working with her asked if she would like to hear some of the songs he had written while he worked on her feet.  Shelly, who loves music, was thrilled to do so.  He put a headset on her and started a CD.  Shell listened to beautiful worship music during her entire treatment.  After she was done, he asked if he would like to hear a song he wrote for her.  When she said yes, he pulled out a 12 string guitar and sang the most beautiful worship song.  It brought Shelly to tears...what a gift during this time to have reminders of who He is.

She learned that a large portion of the staff here are followers of Christ and gather every morning before work to pray for the guests.   :-)  No wonder we feel such peace here.

It's been a busy day for Shelly already.  She is finishing a massage right now and will head to the Quiet Room for an Ondamed treatment (some kind of vibrational deal - I have to Google it to learn more).  After lunch she will head to the Hyperbaric Chamber.  The hyperbaric wears her out. She has time for a nap following.

The pathology reports are not in yet...we are praying they come in this afternoon.  Of course, as soon as I know anything I will update the blog.  :-)  I am honored to keep the communication lines open when she is so far away from those she loves.

Closing thought from our devotion this morning.... 
Jer. 31:3 “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself."

The question we posed to ourselves considering the truth of this is "What would we do differently if we truly believed we were loved unconditionally? or How would we behave if we truly believed that we are unconditionally accepted?"  We had a great discussion and came to some interesting conclusions.  I encourage you to think about it too!

Ciao for now!  

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday 10-7-09 Sanoviv

It is amazing what rest will do for a person. 

Shelly had a light day yesterday and a good nights sleep.  She is not full on with her energy yet but that is to be expected following surgery.  Her schedule is somewhat light again today since the Dr. is waiting for her pathology reports.  We learned yesterday that the reports are realistically expected on Thursday due to the weekend submission of the tissue. 

To follow her day today...

8:00am  Breakfast of eggs with salsa, broccoli, cauliflower, and zuchinni
8:30am  Shower and dressing change
9:00am  Nutritionist consult
10:00am Reflexology
10:55am Nutritional Snack - (we miss this snack many times due to tight schedule)
11:30am  IV
11:55am  Green Juice/Wheat Grass
1:00pm  Food Preparation Class/Lunch (I think this means we get to watch and learn as they make our lunch)
2:00pm  IV
4:00pm  Acuscope
4:55pm  Green Juice/Wheat Grass (This stuff is supposed to be really good for you- but the wheat grass is pretty vile tasting)
6:00pm  Dinner
7:55pm  Rice Protein Shake

Shelly manages to squeeze in some Skype time with her kids every few days.  We had a chance to catch up with them last makes her homesick.   Be praying for their family as there will be many changes and adjustments when Shelly gets home in a few weeks.  She will still be healing and continuing with the healthy eating which will affect everyone around her.

Our devotional this morning read "In order to hear My voice, you must release all your worries into My care. Entrust to Me everything that concerns you...Let me free you from fear that is hiding deep inside of you.  Sit quietly in my Presence, allowing my Light to soak into you and drive out any darkness lodged within you."

1 Peter 5:6-7  (Amplified Version) "humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you. Casting the [a]whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully."

1 Thessalonians 5:18 "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus"

There may not be an afternoon update if there is no news.  Enjoy your day!  Release your worries.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday 10-6-09 Sanoviv

It is another beautiful day here at Sanoviv. We got to see a beautiful sunrise and moonset around 6:30am this morning. It was a great way to start the day.

Shelly's day is back to the regular treatment schedule. She is relatively pain free. She can feel they've done work under her arm but is able to bear the ache. I am watching to make sure she doesn't wait too long to ask for pain medication if she needs it. The pain meds are non-narcotic so non addicting with no side effects.

You can think of us throughout the day...

9:00am Hyperbaric Chamber
10:55am Nutritional Snack - (oops that is happening right now)
11:00am IV treatment
12:00pm Acusope
1:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Juicing Class
2:30pm Medic Consult
4:00pm IV Treatment
4:55pm Green Juice/Wheat grass (Green juice is a vegetable juice that is a great antioxident and superfood source of nutrition)
5:00pm Vegaselect/Audio Color (Shelly gets to listen to color - she was telling me they put on a headset so she can hear the sounds while they put a ceramic plate on her abdomen that also resonates with the vibration.)
6:00pm Dinner
7:00pm DeTox Class
7:55pm Rice Protein Shake

Every morning we wake to see the lobster being collected, some by men in small boats and some by men on surfboards who paddle out to the collect the cages. The sea is like glass at that time of day.

The devotion today reminded us that we can rest in Him no matter what because He alone knows what is ahead.

I find it interesting to see how all the parts have been woven together up to now. What a blessed window of time this is...even in this difficulty. God makes all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

If there is anything new I will post later. It looks to be a very uneventful day.

Tuesday 10-6-09 Sanoviv

It is another beautiful day here at Sanoviv. We got to see a beautiful sunrise and moonset around 6:30am this morning. It was a great way to start the day.

Shelly's day is back to the regular treatment schedule. She is relatively pain free. She can feel they've done work under her arm but is able to bear the ache. I am watching to make sure she doesn't wait to long to ask for pain medication if she needs it. The pain meds are non-narcotic so non addicting with no side effects.

You can think of us throughout the day...

9:00am Hyperbaric Chamber
10:55am Nutritional Snack - (oops that is happening right now)
11:00am IV treatment
12:00pm Acusope
1:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Juicing Class
2:30pm Medic Consult
4:00pm IV Treatment
4:55pm Green Juice/Wheat grass (Green juice is a vegetable juice that is a great antioxident and superfood source of nutrition)
5:00pm Vegaselect/Audio Color (Shelly gets to listen to color - she was telling me they put on a headset so she can hear the sounds while they put a ceramic plate on her abdomen that also resonates with the vibration.)
6:00pm Dinner
7:00pm DeTox Class
7:55pm Rice Protein Shake

Every morning we wake to see the lobster being collected, some by men in small boats and some by men on surfboards who paddle out to the collect the cages. The sea is like glass at that time of day.

The devotion today reminded us that we can rest in Him no matter what because He alone knows what is ahead.

I find it interesting to see how all the parts have been woven together up to now. What a blessed window of time this is...even in this difficulty. God makes all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

If there is anything new I will post later. It looks to be a very uneventful day.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday 10-6-09 Sanoviv - Update

There is something about this place that is so relaxing, restful and healing!

As I mentioned in the last post, Shelly is up and around today.  She got to meet Dr. Wentz at lunch and thank him for this place. 

She is currently in an Accupulse treatment where they use a machine with some kind of electical impluses to diagnose and pull the toxins from the bones and tissues.  I was with her in a previous session and got to see the silver dollar size rings of toxins it brought to the surface.  Amazing how our bodies handle what we put in it.

We learned this afternoon after meeting with the Dr. that the pathology reports should be in on Wednesday.  They do a triple pass on the tissue to confirm all their findings so they can make the best diagnosis and treatment prescription. 

She does have some fluid building up in her left arm.  The Dr. explained when you sever some of the channels that usually remove the fluids from your abdomen they have no where to go.  The body will gradually remove the excess but in the meantime she has one bicep that looks bigger than the other.  Its the little things you notice at times like these.  :-)

We've had more time in the room and are playing worship CDs on the laptop.  It adds so much to the environment to be surrounded by affirming words of who He is and what He has done. 

Shelly will be on Skype tonight to catch up with her kids at 7pm -ish.   Ciao for now! 

Monday 10-6-09 Sanoviv - Day 2 after Surgery

Good morning!  Day 2 after surgery and things are looking really well.

Shelly is in her regular clothes - shorts and tank top.  She looks radiant as usual.  She has a fairly full schedule...although we did miss our first appointment since we found it hard to believe she would be off to full treatments so early and were waiting for her Dr. to clarify.  Oh well, it gave her some extra time for a mid AM nap.

She was scheduled for the hyerbaric chamber (which we missed), IV therapies and quiet room treatments.  She was also scheduled for a hyerthermia which we protested. They took it off her schedule. :-)  We couldn't imagine how she could do that with her bandages, etc.

Her incisions are quite clean and healing well.  She slept like a rock last night.  She has a bandage wrapped around her abdomen to keep pressure on the incisions and keep the fluid build up down.  It looks like a big tube top under her blouse.  She was glad to get out of the hospital gown for sure.  I little too breezy in the back.  :-) 

I think she will be down to lunch since Dr. Wentz (the founder of Sanoviv) is on site and is expected to join the guests. 

We had a restful day yesterday, hanging out, listening to music, playing cards.  Her spirits are high.  She misses the kids and that grandbaby a lot!

We meet with the Dr. this afternoon.  Pray he has the pathology reports from the lymphy nodes. 

Today's devotional...finding joy in every circumstance.  The Joy Giver is the source...not our enviroment, people, or circumstances.  Right on!

Hugs to all...more later!  

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday 10-4-09 Sanoviv - The Day after Surgery

Good morning! 

Shelly is recovering quickly.  She looks radiant today as you can see. 

She slept well and got non-narcotic pain meds every 4 hours to reduce any discomfort.  She got to have a shower (which makes you feel like a new person after surgery...believe me!  I know.) She had the same breakfast we all got - Rice Protein Berry Smoothie. 

Today she will be able to be up and around her room but we have to stay close to the nurses station since she is still being monitored.   We plan on hanging out...reading, playing cards.  It is a little overcast this morning.  We may sit out on the deck if the sun comes out. :-)

They changed her dressings after the shower and I was surprised at how small the incisions were.  We are thrilled to see her responding so well!  God is good...all the time.

Our devotion today was a reminder that the Creator of the Universe, who is amazingly vast, chose to dwell in us, permeating us with His Spirit.  He wants to be our Helper.  He is the source of strength within us.

John 14: 16-17
"And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever--The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not see Him or know and recognize Him. But you know and recognize Him, for He lives with you [constantly] and will be in you."

For those of you trying to reach Shelly by cell phone...the phones are only allowed in our rooms so we have not been around to catch them ringing since her schedule has been so busy.  Because we are in Mexico we can't call in to get our messages. :-(   You can post a comment on this blog or email her. She is able to get online every few days.  

I have my laptop and read your messages to her every day.  They are a real source of encouragement.  She feels your prayers and says she is confident she would not be this strong without your support. 

I want to leave you with a gift from the night before surgery.  God painte the sky...just for us (or so it seemed!)   Love to all.  Many thanks for keeping in touch. More later...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday 10-3-09 Sanoviv - Surgery Day!

Whew!  Shelly got out of a 5 hour surgery at 4pm. 

I waited to see her settled in recovery, chatted for a few minutes and then raced to the computer room to get this post up (after calling Kara so she could alert the girls).

Shelly did well.  This is her first surgical procedure in her life so we were concerned about her response to the anesthesia and the prolonged period under sedation.  She did well with both.  The anesthesiologist was a delight and really set Shelly's mind at rest.  The surgeon was very thorough.
Here's what he did.
  1. He removed the tumor and surrounding tissue.  The tissue was sent to a pathologist so they could make sure they removed enough.  They did.  (The pathogist was in Tijuana so that took some time.)
  2. He investigated the ancillary lymph nodes and ended up removing them.  They also went off to a pathologist.
The surgery took longer than projected because they had to wait for the initial pathology reports on the tumor removal and the lymph node removal is a delicate procedure.  He took his time.

Shelly will have a drainage tube from under her left arm for 4-5 days to keep any pressure or fluids from building up.

What's next?  Shelly will be in recovery until 6pm, rest this evening and tomorrow.  The pathology reports will determine the next phase of treatments.  As I mentioned in earlier posts, guests who've been here before report a quick recovery so we are hopeful she will be up and around tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks for your prayers and messages for today.  I am sure waiting was as hard for you up there as it was here (although we have a beautiful view while waiting).

PS  We are meeting some great people here too!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday 10-2-09 Sanoviv - Update

Quick update on Shelly's status - It is a great day!

The pace of this day has been adjusted after meeting with the Dr.  We don't have the hyperthermia today which would have kept us up till 11pm.  YAY! After the slower pace of yesterday and today she is really feeling in better spirits. 

The catheter will placed today at 4pm.  The surgeon to do this was not available in the morning so they will do this in a few hours.

Preparation and expectations for Saturday's surgery:

1.  Fasting from 10pm till the surgery.
2.  Natural sleep aid tonight to acheive a deep rest so her body is ready
3.  2.5 hour surgery starts at 10am
4.  2 hours in recovery
5.  Hyperbaric chamber to expedite healing
6.  May join us in the community room for dinner! 

Those we've talked to who've had surgery here all commented on the quick return to activity and treatments. 

No more of this.....this is what Shelly was having to do to prepare for IV's.

Shelly sends her love to all of you.  Thank you so much for your comments and prayers.  They have been a great encouragement and keep her feeling connected.

I intend to get on line to update the blog as soon as she is in recovery on Saturday.  Ciao for now!   

Friday 10-2-09 Sanoviv

A beautiful morning...sunrise was glorious!  I will add the photo this afternoon. 

Shelly has a packed schedule today since her surgery is tomorrow at 10am.  We will find out today when she meets with her onsite physician what to expect in the initial period following.  We are wondering about her sensitivity to medication with the anesthesia, how soon she will be be receiving treatements following, how long they will keep her on the surgical floor...a million questions like that.  Plus we are hoping to find out if there is an easier way for her to get her supplements rather than the 80 pills she gets daily. 

Today she has a couple of IV's, hyperbaric chamber (she skipped yesterday's), hyperthermia along with her sessions with the anesthesiologist and Dr. 

The devotion today was encouraging...

Luke 12:6-7 “What is the price of five sparrows—two copper coins[a]? Yet God does not forget a single one of them.  And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows."

We know we are in His hand. 

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday 10-1-09 Sanoviv - Update

Shell had a much better day today after voicing her concerns.  She skipped the hyperbaric treatment and the IVs went much smoother.  They will install the catheter on Saturday during surgery.  They did find a new place for the IV that seems to be working...the back of her hand.  I hated that spot personally but she says it hurts less than the others she has had.

The weather has been absolutely beautiful here today.  Shelly has had several opportunities to lounge by the pool in between treatments. 

While it is a liquid day for the guests...we got fish with our soup.   I think it is because Shelly is scheduled for surgery at 10am on Saturday.  It also could have been that she skipped dinner last night after the hyperthermia treatment.

Here is a shot I didn't upload earlier.  Shelly at the start of Hyperthermia...she didn't look this happy after about 5 minutes. I have other pictures but she will have to share those when she gets home. :-)

The evening bell just rang for dinner.  It plays "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.  Sweetest name I know...." 

Off to dinner and to catch up with Shell.  More in the morning!  

Thursday 10-1-09 Sanoviv

The schedule is getting a little much.  Shelly did much better with the hyperthermia treatment last night (it was only 35 minutes instead of 50 minutes) but it still takes so much out of her. 

The hyperbaric chamber was not good yesterday.  She is placed in a pressured capsule with a breathing mask.  She was supposed to be in for 90 minutes but could only stand an hour.  It is on her schedule again today but she is meeting with the Dr. early to tell him she doesn't feel comfortable with it.  Supposedly oxygen kills cancer cells.  In this state it pushes oxygen into her body.  The breathing through the mask was extremely difficult. 

At this point the only dreaded procedures are the IV and the hyperbaric chamber.  For some reason they did not give her the IV catheter in her chest earlier this week that was suggested but we are going to demand it today.  The pain of some of the cocktails and especially the chemo are pretty intense.  She is scheduled for 2 more IV treatments today and will continue with them for the next 2 1/2 weeks.  It makes sense to do this now. 

Shell was so wiped out yesterday we didn't get our sun time. We are going to squeeze some in today. 

As for is liquids day.  We started off with an avocado and lime protein shake.  If it were colder it would have tasted better. It wasn't bad but it got me hungry for chips.  :-)  Apparently we will get soup and smoothies throughout with snacks often throughout the day. 

Shell is up to 80 pills a day which is getting to be too much. She is asking her Dr. what options she has since it fills her up so much she can hardly eat.

The devotion today was all about rest...

Matt 11:28  "Come to me all of you who are tired and weary...I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."  

We long to find that place of rest in Him.  Thanks for your prayers!